Elena Titova: “Best Graduates Choose Us!”

The professional holiday of a Lawyer’s Day, established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 130 as of February 4, 2008, is celebrated in our country every year on December 3rd.

This date was chosen for a reason and is associated with the judicial reform of 1864, as a result of which the judicial power was separated from the administrative one, and the courts gained independence, transparency, openness and competition. Namely on December 3rd, the Russian Empire adopted a series of judicial statutes and other legislative acts that formed its basis. And namely this day, until 1917, is considered to be professional holiday of Russian lawyers.

Lawyer’s Day is a major and serious event, which brings together lawyers from different fields of professional activity who serve to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens and the interests of our state. This profession is also taught at our university.

“The main goal of the profession of a lawyer is to establish legal justice. The impeccable implementation of laws, the existence and legal functioning of the state depend on the members of the legal field, such as judges and lawyers, prosecutors and bailiffs. At the Institute of Law, we, of course, congratulate each other and our students, future lawyers,” says Elena Titova, Director of the SUSU Institute of Law.

In total, about two thousand students are studying at the Institute of Law at South Ural State University. The Institute provides training at all levels (Bachelor’s, Master’s, postgraduate studies programmes) in all existing fields of study: Jurisprudence; Legal Support of National Security; Law Enforcement; Judicial and Prosecutorial Activities, Forensic Examination.

“We also provide exclusive programmes, such as Engineering (Computer) Forensic Examinations (Specialist degree) and Digital Technology Law (Master’s degree). These programmes are based on the best practices of leading Russian and international law universities and meet the needs of the most demanding employers. Our graduates are brilliant specialists, many of whom are fluent in foreign languages, have excellent knowledge of information technologies, are focused on working in terms of digital economy, and obtain the knowledge necessary for legal work with international partners. And we are very proud of it!” shares Elena Titova.

In Russia and all over the world, the profession of a lawyer is considered to be among the most prestigious ones, yet associated with enormous responsibility.

“In modern society, the importance of the profession of a lawyer is still high, its influence and popularity have only increased over the years, and new specialities in the field of law have emerged. We are very glad that the best graduates of schools not only of the Chelyabinsk Region, but also of neighbouring ones, choose us. We have the highest passing score for the Unified State Examination and the largest contest for state-funded places (it has reached 50 people per place in 2023). And it is very important for us to keep the bar of legal education high, to be among the best law faculties or institutes in our country,” notes Elena Titova.

«“On this day I would like to wish my colleagues health and prosperity! In their lines of work, lawyers of various fields and positions have to deal with the most complicated situations. So may everything be simple in their lives: just love and be loved. May every day bring you good news, may life make you happy, and may you enjoy your life. May everything be good always! Happy holiday to us, lawyers!” wishes the Director of the Institute of Law.



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