SUSU Rector Awarded the Participants of Student Spring

Rector of South Ural State University Alexander Wagner awarded letters of appreciation to students who participated in the Student Spring 2023 All-Russian Festival, as well as to mentors of creative teams from the SUSU Recreation Centre.

Russian Student Spring is the only program in Russia to support and develop student creativity. It began in 1992 and includes more than 80 regional, 10 Russian, and 4 international events. About 1500000 students representing more than 1200 educational organizations from around our country participate in the program each year. In 2019, the program events were included in the presidential platform Russia Is a Land of Opportunities.

In 2023, students of South Ural State University have taken part in the regional and Russian Student Spring festival. 180 members of the SUSU Recreation Centre ensemble performed at the festival and won 15 first, 13 second, and 9 third places. SUSU students achieved the most top-3 finishes this year.

At the Sigma university building, letters of gratitude were awarded to the participants, runners-up, and winners of the festival, as well as mentors of creative teams and the management of the SUSU Recreation Centre. The guests of the event were greeted by the Rector of the university Alexander Wagner:

"I'm truly very proud that we have students like you, and I always note that in these regional and national inter-university events, you are the brightest, the most talented, the most positive, and the most intelligent ones. You are the best! I say this from the bottom of my heart. If we look at the university as a human organism, you are the dearest thing in the world—you are the soul of the university. I congratulate you all on the victories you have achieved. I wish you new ideas, and that there will be even more victories in the future. I also want to thank your creative mentors and supervisors who help you become more professional, smarter, more talented, because they put a piece of their soul into you, give you an insane amount of time, and they really deserve gratitude.”

The SUSU Recreation Centre started as a student club at Students and Postgraduate Students Trade Union of Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute more than 50 years ago and in October 1999 became an independent division of the university. During those years, over 30 student clubs have been formed. Some of these clubs are well-known far beyond the borders of our country: the Mannequin studio theatre, the ballroom dancing ensemble, the Primavera academic choir, the Deep Vision dance theatre, the Folk-Tone folk ensemble, and others. All groups of the Recreation Centre are winners of international, Russian, regional, oblast, and city festivals and competitions.

"Our creative students take part not only in all of the university’s events, but also defend its honour and represent it at large creative festivals. This year our students have participated in the festival Student Spring in all categories: dance, original genre, art, and poetry. By the way, in poetry we were the best and got the most first-place awards. Of course, the most popular genre and category was dancing. We were the absolute winners in this genre, too, and Deep Vision dance theatre represented Chelyabinsk Region at the Student Spring Russian festival in Perm", said Director of the SUSU Recreation Centre Svetlana Filipchuk.

The Student Spring Festival is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Russian Public Organization Russian Union of Youth, and the presidential platform Russia Is a Land of Opportunities.

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